Calm & Relaxing

Home Is Where the Calm Is.

Discover the elements that capture a feeling of relaxation and tranquility within your home. 

Creating a space that is truly comforting and calm requires more than reaching for a favourite pillow or comfort food. It requires tapping into elements that speak to our inner comfort and most essential needs on a psychological level. Colours play an important role when it comes to crafting a peaceful and tranquil home. Experiment with different soft tones and warm hues to determine what can impact the feeling of your space. 

Colours of Tranquility

The colours of a room are believed to affect peoples' emotions and feelings when they are within a particular space. With a calm and tranquil room in mind, choosing a colour that exudes and evokes these ambiences is essential. Soft, muted, and nude tones are recommended to create a soothing environment. Cooler shades of blue and green can relieve stress and anxiety. A warm ivory hue combined with a darker shade can also foster a calming aura. 

A naturally lit room improves productivity, boosts mood, and creates an overall tranquil surrounding. If the natural light doesn’t reach certain spaces in your home, try incorporating reflective surfaces into the home.

Striking a Balance Between Spaces

Different areas of your home require different color modes to create the desired atmosphere. For bedrooms, soft pastels and cool hues like lavender or light green are excellent choices as they promote restful sleep and relaxation. In living rooms or lounges, warmer neutrals combined with gentle blues can help foster a sense of peace and invite relaxation. Home offices or study areas can benefit from a balance of calming blues and productive greens to create a tranquil yet focused environment.

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