Dulux India Interior Paint FAQ

1. How to select an interior paint colour?

Selecting the right interior paint color can significantly impact the overall look and feel of a room. Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect interior paint colour:

1. Consider the Room's Purpose:

Think about the function of the room. Different colours evoke different emotions and moods. For example, calming colours like blues and greens are often used in bedrooms, while vibrant colours like reds and yellows can be energizing in living or dining areas.

2. Take Lighting Into Account:

Natural and artificial lighting can influence how a paint colour appears. Test paint samples in different lighting conditions to see how the colour changes throughout the day. Consider the orientation of the room (north-facing rooms may benefit from warmer tones, while south-facing rooms may work well with cooler tones).

3. Consider the Size of the Room:

Lighter colours tend to make a room feel larger and more open, while darker colours can create a copy and intimate atmosphere. If you have a small room, you might want to opt for lighter shades to enhance the sense of space.

4. Consider the Mood You Want to Create:

Think about the atmosphere you want to create in the room. Cool tones like blues and greens can create a serene environment, while warm tones like reds and yellows can add warmth and energy.

5. Use the Colour Wheel:

Familiarize yourself with the colour wheel to understand collar relationships. Analogous colours (those next to each other on the wheel) create a harmonious look, while complementary colours (opposite each other on the wheel) can create a bold contrast.

6.Get Professional Advice:

 If you're unsure or overwhelmed, consider consulting with a professional painter. They can provide valuable insights based on their expertise.

Remember, the key is to choose a colour that resonates with your personal preferences and complements the overall design and function of the space.


2. How do I choose the best paint sheen for my paint job?

  • Choosing the best paint sheen for your project involves understanding the different types available and their best uses. Paint sheen affects both the appearance and durability of the paint, so here’s how to decide:

  • Understand the types of sheen: Paints come in several sheens, including flat/matte, eggshell, satin, semi-gloss, and high-gloss. Flat/matte offers a non-reflective finish, ideal for hiding wall imperfections. Eggshell and satin provide a slight lustre, making them great for living rooms and bedrooms due to their moderate washability and ability to hide flaws.
  • Semi-gloss and high-gloss are very reflective and perfect for trim, cabinets, and areas that require frequent cleaning. It's at this point, especially for those desiring a blend of elegance and durability, that Dulux’s offerings shine.
  • With products like Dulux Velvet Touch Diamond Glo and Dulux Velvet Touch Pearl Glo, Dulux caters to both premium high-sheen and mid-sheen needs, ensuring there’s a perfect finish for every room and every requirement.

  • Consider the room's function: High-traffic areas or spaces exposed to moisture (like kitchens and bathrooms) do well with higher gloss sheens like semi-gloss or high-gloss, due to their durability and ease of cleaning. For less busy areas with fewer imperfections, an eggshell or satin finish might be just right. Glossier sheens reflect more light, which might highlight flaws.

3. How long should an interior paint job last?

The lifespan of an interior paint job can vary, but typically, a well-done interior paint can last anywhere from 5 to 10 years. It really depends on factors like the quality of the paint used, the room's traffic, and how well the walls were prepared before painting.

For rooms that get a lot of use, like kitchens and hallways, you might notice the paint wears down a bit faster due to all the activity. In quieter spots, like bedrooms, your interior paint might look fresh for longer.

To keep your interior paint looking great for as long as possible, it's a smart move to start with a primer. A primer provides a smooth, even base, ensuring better adhesion of the paint to the wall and resulting in a more durable finish.

Dulux offers high-quality primers that are excellent for achieving good adhesion to interior masonry surfaces, enhancing the durability of the paint job. Additionally, high-quality paint with built-in primer can offer similar benefits, combining convenience with longevity. Touch-ups every now and then can also extend the life of your paint, keeping your walls looking their best.

4. What type of paint to Use for the Kitchen and Bathrooms?

For kitchens and bathrooms, choosing the right paint is important due to the unique conditions of these spaces, such as moisture, frequent cleaning, and varying temperatures. Here's how Dulux's specific products fit these needs:

  • Dulux Super Cover Ultra is perfect for both kitchen and bathroom walls and ceilings. Thanks to its Silicon technology and Colo guard technology, it offers long-lasting colours that withstand daily wear and tear. Its high whiteness and hiding power ensure your spaces not only shine with vibrant colours but also maintain their fresh look, making it an ideal choice for areas that require frequent cleaning.
  • Dulux Promise Sheen Interior Emulsion brings a high sheen finish that's perfect for the kitchen and bathroom environments. Its Chroma Brute Glow Technology ensures the wall colour remains bright and lively for longer. With good coverage, opacity, and anti-chalking properties, it gives your walls a rich, fresh, and bright look that stands up to the demands of kitchen and bathroom settings.
  • Dulux WeatherShield Tile products, while primarily designed for exterior surfaces, can also be suitable for kitchens and bathrooms where durability against moisture is a priority. The advanced formulations provide protection against the elements, making them a good choice for areas exposed to steam and water splashes. Their moisture-resistant properties help safeguard your walls from mould and mildew, ensuring a clean, durable finish.

5. What is the best ceiling paint?

The best ceiling paint is one that makes your ceiling look flawless and stays that way for years. It should be durable, easy to apply, and leave a smooth finish that doesn't yellow over time.

For the best ceiling paint, look for options that are specifically designed for ceilings. These paints are usually thicker, reducing drips and splatters during application, and they often come with a flat or matte finish to hide any imperfections. Good ceiling paint should also dry to a bright, clean white, enhancing the light in your room and giving a sense of height and space. Dulux SuperCover Ultra is a top-notch choice that meets all these needs, making it perfect for sprucing up your ceiling—your home's "fifth wall."

Remember, the best ceiling paint for your home will depend on your specific needs, like the room's humidity level or if you're covering up old stains. Always choose a paint that promises long-lasting results and easy maintenance, ensuring your ceilings look great with minimal effort.

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